Wow! To say I'm impressed, with my XT750 Plus, would be an understatement.
Being a very tall person, the vast majority of folding e-bikes, available on the market, being mainly 20 inch wheel, were not suitable for me. So I was looking for something bigger.
The XT750 Plus, with it's 26 inch wheels and 4 inch tyres, has certainly done the trick!
I have now covered 50 miles, sufficient for me to get a good idea of the XT750 Plus' capabilities.
Hills are dealt with, with ease.
The Power Assist modes available are excellent. Whilst having tried them all, I have really had no need to go above 2.
For me, the 'Cruise Control' mode is excellent!
I now cruise along the seafront, taking in the view, and let the world pass me by!
Whilst I have put the battery on for a top up charge, this was more to become acquainted with the process than of need, as the power indication had only dropped by two!
The XT750 Plus is a beast!
It stands out from the crowd!
It delivers in all aspects!
And - it turns heads!
I get such amusement from the reaction of people, who stare, double-take and stop to talk as I park up for my morning coffee!
Thank you Lankeleisi !